Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Party's Over

44 reported for his first full day of work and made some courtesy calls to middle eastern leaders as well as made good on one campaign promise: freezing any last minute changes in Federal regulations made by the outgoing administration and halting current prosecutions of Guantanamo detainees in anticipation of issuing an order to begin (somehow) to close the facility. What will happen to the still dangerous inmates is, of course, a matter of conjecture.

One of the more bizarre (and there were many choices) aspects of the inauguration was the creation of a myspace page by the actor Ashton Kutcher expressly for the purpose of making a public pledge to serve the nation in a manner chosen by the individual. He begins the piece by explaining how as a teenager he thought he might join the military, but changed his mind because he "might be commanded to take the life of another." His forthright explanation of his cowardice disguised as pacifism is commendable. One wonders how Bruce Willis, ex-husband of Kutcher's wife Demi Moore would react to hearing this admission. One caution: if you watch the video on the site, be sure you don't have a mouthful of liquid lest you spray the contents all over your computer screen. People with bladder control issues are urged to either void first or else change into a dry adult diaper. Here's an interesting "transcript" from Iowahawk of the video. Read at your own risk.

1 comment:

Cappy said...

Sometimes life imitates art. Sounds like Ashton is as stupid as Kelso