Saturday, April 11, 2009

To the Shores of Tripoli

Drama on the waters off the coast of Africa continued into the weekend as Somali pirates, defeated in their attempt to hijack a US commercial ship, kidnapped the captain and drifted a few hundred yards from US Navy vessels. US Navy and FBI hostage negotiators attempted to talk the pirates into giving up without success. The captain jumped out of the life boat but was hauled back in after shots were fired. There is no word on whether he was hit by gunfire.
Now there is news that a US tugboat towing a barge has been hijacked by another group of pirates.
Meanwhile, 44 gave his weekly radio and internet address. No mention of the hijackings and hostage taking was made. Instead, 44 shilled his recent European trip, during which the leaders of Europe turned their backs on his request for boots on the ground in Afghanistan. To 44, the trip was a success.

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